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Menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari dengan ungkapan yang lebih gaul dan ekspresif bisa membantu kamu terdengar lebih natural dan menarik.
Berikut adalah daftar 20 percakapan gaul dalam bahasa Inggris, lengkap dengan penjelasan singkat dan contoh kalimatnya selengkapnya di
1. I'm very tired - I'm drained
Penjelasan: "Drained" menggambarkan perasaan sangat lelah hingga kehabisan energi.
Contoh Kalimat:After working for 12 hours straight, I'm completely drained.
2. It's very hot outside - It's scorching outside
Penjelasan: "Scorching" berarti sangat panas, sering menggambarkan suhu ekstrem.
Contoh Kalimat:It's scorching outside today, make sure to stay hydrated.
3. He's very angry - He's furious
Penjelasan: "Furious" menunjukkan tingkat kemarahan yang sangat tinggi.
Contoh Kalimat:When he found out what happened, he was absolutely furious.
4. It's very noisy - It's deafening
Penjelasan: "Deafening" berarti sangat berisik hingga bisa membuat telinga terasa tuli.
Contoh Kalimat:The concert was so loud it was almost deafening.
5. I'm very surprised - I'm astonished
Penjelasan: "Astonished" digunakan untuk menggambarkan perasaan sangat terkejut.
Contoh Kalimat:I was astonished to see the results of the competition.
6. It's very bad - It's atrocious
Penjelasan: "Atrocious" menggambarkan sesuatu yang sangat buruk atau mengerikan.
Contoh Kalimat:The service at the restaurant was atrocious; I won't be going back.
7. I'm very busy - I'm up to my ears
Penjelasan: "Up to my ears" adalah idiom yang berarti sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaan.
Contoh Kalimat:I can't join you for dinner tonight, I'm up to my ears at work.
8. It's very good - It's excellent
Penjelasan: "Excellent" berarti sangat baik atau luar biasa.
Contoh Kalimat:The performance was excellent, everyone gave a standing ovation.
9. She's very beautiful - She's stunning
Penjelasan: "Stunning" menggambarkan kecantikan yang sangat mengagumkan.
Contoh Kalimat: She looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress.
10. I'm very scared - I'm terrified
Penjelasan: "Terrified" menunjukkan tingkat ketakutan yang sangat tinggi.
Contoh Kalimat:I was terrified when I heard the loud noise in the middle of the night.
11. It's very important - It's crucial
Penjelasan: "Crucial" berarti sangat penting atau menentukan.
Contoh Kalimat:It's crucial to submit your application before the deadline.
12. It's very strange - It's bizarre
Penjelasan: "Bizarre" digunakan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang sangat aneh atau tidak biasa.
Contoh Kalimat:The plot of the movie was so bizarre, I couldn't predict what would happen next.
13. He's very funny - He's hilarious
Penjelasan: "Hilarious" berarti sangat lucu hingga membuat tertawa terbahak-bahak.
Contoh Kalimat:His jokes are always hilarious, he could be a stand-up comedian.
14. It's very dangerous - It's perilous
Penjelasan: "Perilous" berarti sangat berbahaya.
Contoh Kalimat:Climbing that mountain without proper gear is perilous.
15. I'm very hungry - I'm famished
Penjelasan: "Famished" menunjukkan rasa lapar yang sangat besar.
Contoh Kalimat:I haven't eaten all day, I'm absolutely famished.
16. It's very simple - It's straightforward
Penjelasan: "Straightforward" berarti sangat sederhana atau mudah dimengerti.
Contoh Kalimat:The instructions were so straightforward that even a beginner could follow them.
17. He's very lazy - He's indolent
Penjelasan: "Indolent" adalah kata yang lebih formal untuk menggambarkan seseorang yang sangat malas.
Contoh Kalimat:He's so indolent, he doesn't even get up from the couch all day.
18. I'm very happy - I'm elated
Penjelasan: "Elated" berarti sangat bahagia atau bersemangat.
Contoh Kalimat: I was elated when I heard that I got the job.
19. It's very clean - It's spotless
Penjelasan: "Spotless" berarti sangat bersih, tanpa noda atau kotoran sedikit pun.
Contoh Kalimat: Her house is always spotless, she cleans it every day.
20. It's very dirty - It's filthy
Penjelasan: "Filthy" menggambarkan sesuatu yang sangat kotor.
Contoh Kalimat:The room was filthy after the party, it took hours to clean up.
Nah, itu tadi percakapan gaul dalam bahasa Inggris. Mulai terapkan dalam percakapan sehari-hari agar kamu terdengar natural.
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