50 Contoh Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 semester 2 dan Jawabannya!

Jelang ujian, ini 50 contoh soal bahasa Inggris sebagai bahan belajarmu!

Ujian semakin dekat dan persiapan yang matang menjadi kunci keberhasilan bagi setiap siswa dalam menjalani pekan ujian, baik dari yang kelas 1 SD hingga 6 SD. 

Salah satu mata pelajaran yang diuji dalam ujian akhir adalah bahasa Inggris. Tentunya, kamu harus belajar dan berlatih dengan sungguh-sungguh agar mendapat hasil yang baik. 

Maka dari itu, Popmama.com akan membantumu dalam 50 soal ujian Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 2, dan jawaban! 

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 semester 2 dan Jawaban

Soal Cerita nomor 1 sampai 10


Read the text below for number 1-10 

Rahma Dwi Ayu was born in Bandung, West Jawa on August 20, 2014. She is a student in SD Negeri Pesona 2. She always gets up early in the morning. Everyday she gets up at five o’clock. Before going to school, she helps her mother sweep the yard. Mrs. Karmini, her mother, is a tailor. Her father is a farmer. His name is Mr. Namat Suryana. Nadia Indah has a pet. It is a cat. She got the animal two years ago from the streets. 

1. What is Rahma Dwi Ayu?

A. a student
B. a farmer
C. a tailor
D. a teacher

Jawaban: A

2. What time does Rahma get up every day?

A. 04.30
B. 06.00
C. 05.30
D. 05.00

Jawaban: D 

3. Where was Rahma born? 

A. Bandung
B. Jakarta
C. Surabaya
D. Bekasi

Jawaban: A 

4. How old is Rahma right now? 

A. 10 years old
B. 9 years old
C. 11 years old
D. 12 years old  

Jawaban: B

5. What does Rahma do before going to school?

a. She helps her mother cook the breakfast
b. She helps her mother sweep the yard
c. She helps her father feed a cat
d. She helps her mother wash a plate

Jawaban: B 

6. What pet does Nadia Indah have?

A. dog
B. cock
C. cat
D. horse

Jawaban: C

7. When did she get the animal?

A. 1 year ago
B. 4 year ago
C. 3 year ago
D. 2 year ago

Jawaban: D 

8. What is Rahma’s father's job? 

A. Farmer
B. Doctor
C. Teacher
D. Sailor

Jawaban: A

9. Where did Rahma find her cat? 

A. on street
B. at school
C. it was given
D. on box 

Jawaban: A  

10. What is the job of Rahma’s mother? 

A. Doctor
B. Tailor
C. Farmer
D. Teacher

Jawaban: B   

Soal bagian tubuh nomor 11 sampai 20

11. We can walk and run with our?

a. Nose
b. Hands
c. Knees
d. Legs

Jawaban: D 

12. Birds can fly because they have?

A. Nose
B. Lung
C. Wing
D. Leg

Jawaban: C

13. We can hear sounds with our?

a. Eyes
b. Mouth
c. Ears
d. Nose

Jawaban: C

14. Fish can swim because they have?

a. Feathers
b. Fins
c. Beaks
d. Legs

Jawaban: B

15. We use our eyes to?

a. Taste
b. See
c. Hear
d. Smell 

Jawaban: B

16. Dogs bark using their?

a. Paws
b. Nose
c. Mouth
d. Tail

Jawaban: C

17. Plants need sunlight to?

a. Grow
b. Sleep
c. Move
d. Breathe

Jawaban: A

18. We can hold things with our?

a. Feet
b. Hands
c. Ears
d. Hair

Jawaban: B

19. Birds build nests using their?

a. Wings
b. Beaks
c. Legs
d. Tails

Jawaban: B

20. We breathe in air through our?

a. Eyes
b. Nose
c. Hands
d. Ears

Jawaban: B

Soal percakapan singkat nomor 21 sampai 30


21. Nadia: Hello, Fadly. How are you?
Fadly: ... Thank you.

A. See you later
B. Good morning
C. I am fine
D. Good bye

Jawaban: C 

22. Teacher: What is your name?
Student: ...

A. I am fine
B. My name is Sarah
C. Good morning
D. Thank you

Jawaban: B

23. John: Hi, Rina. Nice to meet you.
Rina: ...

A. Hi John. Nice to meet you too
B. How are you?
C. Good night
D. See you tomorrow

Jawaban: A

24. Ali: Can you help me with my homework?
Sara: ...

A. Yes, I can
B. Good afternoon
C. I am fine
D. Hello

Jawaban: A

25. Mother: Did you finish your lunch?
Child: ...

A. I am tired
B. Yes, I did
C. Good bye
D. I am hungry

Jawaban: B

26. Tina: What time is it?
Lisa: …

A. I am sleepy
B. It is three o'clock
C. See you later
D. Thank you

Jawaban: B

27. Teacher: Please open your books.
Students: ...

A. Thank you
B. I am fine
C. Good morning
D. Yes, Ma'am

Jawaban: D

28. Tom: Where are you going?
Jake: ...

A. I am going to the park
B. I am happy
C. Good night
D. Nice to meet you

Jawaban: A

29. Doctor: How do you feel today?
Patient: ...

A. I feel better
B. Good morning
C. Nice to meet you
D. See you tomorrow

Jawaban: A

30. Anna: Can I borrow your pen?
Mark: ...

A. I am good
B. Yes, this is it
C. Good evening
D. How are you?

Jawaban: B 

Soal nomor 31 sampai 40 pekerjaan dan hubungan keluarga


31. My father has a sister. She is my?

a. Uncle
b. Cousin
c. Aunt
d. Brother

Jawaban: C

32. My mother is a .... . Her activity is sewing.

A. Sailor
B. Tailor
C. Doctor
D. Autor

Jawaban: B 

33. My mother has a brother. He is my?

a. Cousin
b. Uncle
c. Aunt
d. Nephew

Jawaban: B

34. My sister's daughter is my?

a. Niece
b. Aunt
c. Cousin
d. Uncle

Jawaban: A

35. My mother's father is my?

a. Brother
b. Grandfather
c. Uncle
d. Cousin

Jawaban: B

36. My cousin's mother is my?

a. Sister
b. Aunt
c. Grandmother
d. Niece

Jawaban: B 

37. My father is a .... . His job is to teach students.

a. Farmer
b. Teacher
c. Pilot
d. Chef

Jawaban: B

38. My uncle is a .... . He flies airplanes.

a. Doctor
b. Pilot
c. Farmer
d. Teacher

Jawaban: B

39. My sister is a .... . She designs buildings.

a. Mechanic
b. Baker
c. Architect
d. Nurse

Jawaban: C

40. My aunt is a .... . She makes delicious cakes.

a. Baker
b. Driver
c. Tailor
d. Police officer

Jawaban: A 

Soal nomor 41 sampai 50

41. Is – my – black – not – cat. The correct order is?

a. My cat is not black
b. My black is not cat
c. Cat is not my black
d. Not cat is my black 

Jawaban: A 

42. The hall – Bagas – playing – is – football – in

a. The hall Bagas is playing in football
b. Bagas is playing football in the hall
c. Bagas is playing in the hall football
d. Football is playing Bagas the hall in

Jawaban: B

43. Eating – they – are – apples – the

a. They are eating apples the
b. Eating they are the apples
c. They are eating the apples
d. The apples eating are they

Jawaban: C

44. A – doctor – is – her – mother

a. Her mother is a doctor
b. Doctor is her mother a
c. Her a doctor mother is
d. Is a doctor her mother

Jawaban: A

45. Park – playing – the – children – in – are

a. Children are the playing in park
b. The children are playing in the park
c. The playing children in are park
d. Playing in the park are children 

Jawaban: B 

46. Mr. James pays Rp. 50.000,00 and he gets Rp. 35.000,00 as the change. It means Mr. James has to pay?

a. Thirty five thousand rupiahs
b. Fifty thousand rupiahs
c. Fifteen thousand rupiahs
d. Eighty five thousand rupiahs 

Jawaban: C

47. Sarah buys a book for Rp. 40.000,00 and she gives the cashier Rp. 100.000,00. How much change does Sarah get?

a. Rp. 50.000,00
b. Rp. 40.000,00
c. Rp. 60.000,00
d. Rp. 30.000,00

Jawaban: C

48. Ali buys a toy for Rp. 25.000,00 and he receives Rp. 75.000,00 as change. How much money did Ali give to the cashier?

a. Rp. 50.000,00
b. Rp. 100.000,00
c. Rp. 25.000,00
d. Rp. 75.000,00

Jawaban: B 

49. What time does Wawan go to bed?
He goes to bed at 22.15.

a. Quarter past eleven
b. Quarter to ten
c. Quarter to eleven
d. Quarter past ten  

Jawaban: D

50. What time does Sarah have breakfast?
She has breakfast at 07.30.

a. Half past seven
b. Half past eight
c. Half past six
d. Half past nine

Jawaban: A 

Itu dia 50 soal ujian Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 2, dan jawaban. Semoga contoh-contoh soal ini dapat memberikanmu gambaran mengenai ujian nanti. Semangat belajar! 

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