Contoh Describing People, Mendeskripsikan Orang dalam Bahasa Inggris
Yuk Ma! ajarkan si kecil Describing people untuk tingkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya.
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Mendeskripsikan suatu benda, rasa, dan juga orang merupakan hal yang tidak terlepas dari aktivitas sehari-hari. Saat ini bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa yang perlu dikuasai sejak dini.
Untuk itu perlu mempelajarinya dari hal-hal kecil seperti mendeskripsikan orang lain atau dalam bahasa inggris disebut dengan describing people, biasanya dalam mendeskripsikan kita perlu mengetahui kata sifat atau adjective.
Apa saja kata sifat dan bagaimana contohdescribing people? Berikut telah merangkum penjelasaanya. Yuk disimak!
Mengetahui Kata sifat ( Adjective)
Kata sifat atau adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun). Berikut ini beberapa kata sifat yang perlu diketahui untuk mendeskripsikan orang lain.
- Beautiful = Cantik
- Handsome = Ganteng
- Bald = Botak
- Long hair = Rambut panjang
- Chubby = Gemuk
- Thin = Kurus
- Fat = Gendut
- Young = Muda
- Old = Tua
- Poor = Miskin
- Rich = Kaya
- Clever = Pandai
- Smart = Pintar
- Flat nose = Hidung pesek
- Pointed nose = Hidung manjung
- Charming = Menawan
- Brave = Berani
- Pale = Pucat
- Brown Skin = Kulit coklat
Contoh Dialog 1
Ben: Hey Will, have you met my new friend kylo?
William: No, not yet. Can you describe him?
Ben: Yeah! He has pointed nose, short hair, and beautiful smile.
William: Oh, sound like he’s really cool!
Ben: Of course, He’s also really cheerful and brave.
Contoh Dialog 2
Rudy: Hi Anna! Have you watch the new toy story movie?
Anna: Toy story 4? I haven't watched it yet
Rudy: That's okay but you need to watch it later, because there are new characters there
Anna: Serious? can you describe the new character?
Rudy: She's a toy, a classic doll dressed in yellow. Pretty and her name is Gabby.
Contoh Dialog 3
Adam: Hana, did you see the guy playing the bike over there?
Hana: I don't see him Adam, what kind of person is he?
Adam: A little boy, wearing red boots, holding ice cream in his left hand.
Hana: Oh yeah, I saw him.. he's so cute, looks like his hair is messy because of the wind when playing bicycle
Adam: Ya, It seems so.
Contoh Dialog 4
Manda: Hi Dino, look I brought ice cream for us, which one do you want?
Dino: Umm..i want chocolate ice cream it looks really tempting
Manda: Okay, here's a delicious chocolate ice cream for you
Dino: Thank you Manda, you are very kind and today you look very beautiful in that blue dress.
Manda : Thanks too Dino, you look good with that shirt too.
Itulah contoh describing people, kuncinya dengan mengetahui kosakata sifat yang digunakan sehari-hari. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat!
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