Berikut akan saya berikan daftar beberapa lagu di audio youtube yang tidak mengandung copyright. Yuk di download ke audio youtube.
1. The alphabet song
2. Farmer in the dell
3. Skip to my lou
4. Old macdonald
5. London bridge
6. Are you sleeping
7. Yankee doodle
8. A tisket a tasket
9. Broccoli on my plate
10. Pop goes the weasel
11.humpty dumpty
12. Hickory dickory dock
13.twinkle twinkle little star
14. Mr. Turtle
15. Marry had a little lamb
16. Itsy bitsy spider
17. The muffin man
18. This old man
19. The wheels on the bus
20. Row row row your boat
21. Hush little baby
22. Springtime family band
Berikut akan saya berikan daftar beberapa lagu di audio youtube yang tidak mengandung copyright. Yuk di download ke audio youtube.
1. The alphabet song
2. Farmer in the dell
3. Skip to my lou
4. Old macdonald
5. London bridge
6. Are you sleeping
7. Yankee doodle
8. A tisket a tasket
9. Broccoli on my plate
10. Pop goes the weasel
11.humpty dumpty
12. Hickory dickory dock
13.twinkle twinkle little star
14. Mr. Turtle
15. Marry had a little lamb
16. Itsy bitsy spider
17. The muffin man
18. This old man
19. The wheels on the bus
20. Row row row your boat
21. Hush little baby
22. Springtime family band
Berikut akan saya berikan daftar beberapa lagu di audio youtube yang tidak mengandung copyright. Yuk di download ke audio youtube.
1. The alphabet song
2. Farmer in the dell
3. Skip to my lou
4. Old macdonald
5. London bridge
6. Are you sleeping
7. Yankee doodle
8. A tisket a tasket
9. Broccoli on my plate
10. Pop goes the weasel
11.humpty dumpty
12. Hickory dickory dock
13.twinkle twinkle little star
14. Mr. Turtle
15. Marry had a little lamb
16. Itsy bitsy spider
17. The muffin man
18. This old man
19. The wheels on the bus
20. Row row row your boat
21. Hush little baby
22. Springtime family band
thanks moms infonya :)
makasih ma, sangat membantu si kecil yg lagi suka nyanyi dan joged-joged
Sambil di rekam ma biar jadi kenang2an masa masil yang bisa ditonton nanti :)
Youre welcome mom :)
Berikut akan saya berikan daftar beberapa lagu di audio youtube yang tidak mengandung copyright. Yuk di download ke audio youtube.
1. The alphabet song
2. Farmer in the dell
3. Skip to my lou
4. Old macdonald
5. London bridge
6. Are you sleeping
7. Yankee doodle
8. A tisket a tasket
9. Broccoli on my plate
10. Pop goes the weasel
11.humpty dumpty
12. Hickory dickory dock
13.twinkle twinkle little star
14. Mr. Turtle
15. Marry had a little lamb
16. Itsy bitsy spider
17. The muffin man
18. This old man
19. The wheels on the bus
20. Row row row your boat
21. Hush little baby
22. Springtime family band
Makasih banget ma. Berguna banget nih
makasih ma, sangat membantu si kecil yg lagi suka nyanyi dan joged-joged