80 Ucapan Selamat Menikah yang Sederhana dan Penuh Makna
Berikan selamat untuk orang terdekatmu yang akan segera menikah
19 April 2023
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Saat keluarga, sahabat, teman, atau kerabat dekat akan melangsungkan pernikahan, terkadang kamu bingung saat menyusun ucapan selamat menikah.
Kamu mungkin mempertimbangkan banyak hal seperti "apakah tulisan ini sudah layak?". Tak jarang kamu juga berpikir apakah maknanya akan tersampaikan dengan baik.
Pasalnya, ucapan selamat menikah perlu mengandung doa serta harapan untuk kedua mempelai. Supaya, keduanya mampu menjalani kehidupan yang baru kelak.
Nah, kini kamu tak perlu bingung lagi. Ucapan selamat menikah yang tulus dari hati akan selalu menjadi hadiah pernikahan paling indah.
Kamu bisa memilih beberapa referensi ucapan selamat menikah yang sudah Popmama.com rangkum berikut. Simak, yuk!
1. Ucapan selamat menikah untuk saudara
Jika kakak atau adik melangsungkan pernikahan, cobalah berikan ucapan selamat menikah berikut. Agar makin berkesan mendalam, ungkapkan harapan dan perasaanmu atas pernikahannya, ya.
Selamat menempuh hidup baru sebagai seorang istri! Semoga hari bahagiamu ini menjadi awal dari momen-momen membahagiakan lainnya dalam rumah tangga kamu dan pasanganmu. Untuk kakakku yang aku sayang, jadilah istri yang selalu memberi rasa nyaman kepada suamimu.
Siapa sangka adik yang biasanya manja pada kakaknya kini akan membangun rumah tangga? Selamat menikah, ya! Belajar jadi dewasa dan mengerti pasanganmu. Kakak berdoa semoga kamu dan pasangan dapat membangun keluarga impian kalian.
Sejatinya pernikahan adalah lembaran baru kehidupan, kebahagiaan, kebersamaan dan hal-hal baik lainnya yang menyertai. Selamat menempuh hidup baru.
Kakakku yang tersayang kini sudah menemukan cinta sejatinya. Kudoakan semoga kamu bahagia dalam menjalani kehidupan berumah tangga. Tertanda dari Adikmu tercinta.
Bahagia selalu ya saudaraku, semoga Tuhan selalu memberikan keberkahan di dalam hidup rumah tanggamu. Semoga segera di berikan momongan yang lucu- lucu agar bisa meramaikan rumahmu, Amin.
Selamat menikah Kak. Jadilah imam yang baik bagi istri dan anakmu nanti. Jadilah panutan yang baik dan suami yang dikagumi.
Akhirnya dia benar-benar membuktikan cintanya padamu, adikku. Selamat menempuh hidup baru dan semoga hanya kebahagiaan yang melingkupi hidupmu.
Selamat melepas masa lajang, adikku. Tak kusangka adikku satu-satunya sudah dewasa. Semoga kamu dilingkupi kebahagiaan dan kedamaian dalam pernikahann.
Selamat menikah, Kak. Aku akan selalu mendoakan kebahagiaan, kesejahteraan, dan ketenangan dalam rumah tangga kalian. Semoga banyak hal baik yang bisa kalian dapatkan.
Selamat atas pernikahan kakak. Sejak saat ini, kakak sudah mempunyai bahu yang tepat untuk menyandarkan setiap keluh kesah. Aku mendoakan yang terbaik untuk keluarga kecil kakak ini.
Editors' Pick
2. Ucapan selamat menikah dalam bahasa Inggris
Agar makin berkesan, kamu juga bisa membuat ucapan selamat menikah dalam bahasa Inggris. Ucapan pun terkesan beda.
Berikut contohnya:
- May you forever find joy in the eyes of each other, warmth in each others arms, love in each others hearts.
- Congratulation. May the vows you took today last an eternity, and the love in your eyes never fade. May you forever be as happy as you are today.
- Thank you for letting us share in your special day. We wish you all the happiness in the world.
- Here’s to a lifetime full of happiness and love.
- Here's to a long, happy life with the one you love. Wishing you the best
- May today mark the first of the rest of your life, filled with love and fellowship.
- I’m seeing a fun-filled life in your future. Congratulations.
- In sweet companionship and love, with hearts of faith and cheer, together may you keep the road through many a happy year.
- On this special day, may the fond memories of the past, and the laughter of the present, become the fragrance of tomorrow.
- Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.
- May your love grow stronger each and every passing year.
- Your wedding day will come and go, but may your love forever grow.
- May today be the beginning of a long, happy life together.
- May the love and happiness you feel today shine through the years.
- Today is the beginning of your next chapter. Here's to you two!
- And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
- Today we add another family member to the tree, and we couldn't be happier.
- Thanks for the free booze. Best wishes on a long, happy marriage!
- We couldn't be happier to call you family. Thanks for allowing us to join in the Big Day.
- Wishing you a marriage as strong as your faith.
- It seems like yesterday we were playing 'house' in the backyard, and now you get to do it in real life. I couldn't be happier for you both. Congratulations!
- May your love grow stronger each and every passing year.
- May the years ahead be filled with love and joy.
- Today is the beginning of your next chapter. Here's to you!
- It's a joy to celebrate your love.
- May today mark the first of the rest of your life, filled with love and fellowship.
- Today we add another family member to the tree, and we couldn't be happier.
- You've felt like part of the family from the start. We're so glad it's now official.
- You guys are great together. So happy for you two.
- ‘Two become one’- what a beautiful thing. Congratulations.
- Congratulations to you both on your very special day! May your wedding be filled with special memories you can treasure forever!
- Through the storms of life, may your love for one another be steadfast and strong. Wishing you joy and happiness on your wedding day. Congratulations!
- Seeing you two make promises and step forward into the future is so inspiring and wonderful.
- You’ve made me believe in true love. And I hope my belief will be unwavering forever, because it seems like you’ll stay together until the end.
- Blessed is the man who finds a wife. May the joy of your new home be filled with laughter, smiles, kisses, hugs, respect understanding and faithfulness. Happy wedlock.
- When you two are knotted as one, both families and friends share in oneness of their marital union; may this marriage be a bridge to usher happiness, peace and prosperity.
- Getting married is like going to drama school. May there be more comedy than melodrama.
- I’ll tell you the secret of a happy marriage. It remains…a secret to all! Wishing you all the best of times ahead.
- May the One who brought you together bless your marriage, enrich your lives and deepen your love throughout the years.
- We pray that God will bless your marriage and guide you in your new journey together.
- We’re so thrilled to celebrate this wonderful day with you both.
- We all need somebody to love, care about and trust. I’m really happy that my best friend has found this special person. Congratulations on your wedding and may your life together be a continuous honeymoon.
- Of all the big life events we’ve celebrated over the years, today tops the list.
- I love you both. Thanks for letting me share in your celebration.
- Welcome to the family, we couldn’t be happier to have you. Best wishes to you both!